Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Round About

Psalm 119:1,2

Driving in California can be quite the adventure, to say the least! I have been raised and lived in California my whole life. I don't need to read every traffic sign or traffic instruction because I am so familiar with the area and how we roll, that it is second nature. Now I know I shouldn't post this because the inevitable will happen, but for the sake of the application I will knowingly jinks myself...I have never gotten a traffic ticket in over 30 years of driving! There should be free insurance for something that incredible!

I follow the precepts of the land...I adhere to the laws and mandates...and I have a clean record!

My driving record is righteous!

A few years back, I met my daughter in London and we flew to Scotland where we rented a car. How hard can it be? The first exit from the airport was a "round about"... getting in the car on the wrong side should have been the clue that nothing was going to be easy from this point on!

I pull out of the airport with some confidence and all of a sudden I am going in, really! Around, and around, and around...and as I slow up to try to read the signs, there are honkers, nudgers, and almost collisions as I have absolutely no idea how to navigate a round about! (For those that are missing out, it is a circle that cars enter and exit at several different points around the circle.)

I couldn't follow the driving laws, because I didn't know them. I tried to follow them as I came upon the signs, but the moment I tried to put it into action, it past as soon as I would finally read it. As the trip went on, I began to master the dreaded "round about". I knew in my mind the accurate way to navigate and was able to use the signs as markers because the truth of the signs were already stored inside my understanding!

There are days, or seasons, when we feel like we are in a foreign land trying to navigate precarious, and sometimes dangerous situations. We are desparately looking for the signs to direct us as we are being bullied by the enemy who keeps honking at us and threatening a collision. Jesus was the ultimate navigator of spiritual round abouts! He navigated with the Word stored up in His heart. When faced with temptation, He quickly recited God's precepts, His direction, His truth.

How are you navigating the treacherous roundabouts of your life? As things are coming at you from all angles, are you well versed and know God's ways, His precepts, His mandate for life? If we are familiar with His Word, it will be like driving in territory that will come as second nature, and we will avoid spiritual collisions!


How powerful is your Word, O Lord! Thank you for leaving something so precious, so priceless, and so intimate in our hands. Forgive me, Lord, for the times I neglect your Word. I pray that you will lead me in your Word and into all truth. I praise you that Your Word is good for reproof, correction, guidance, teaching, and so much more. I praise you that as I store your Word up in my heart, it gives me the internal knowledge of the mandates to navigate the spiritual highway of the unseen. Thank you for your instruction manual that will keep me on the path of righteousness and truth. Increase in me, O God, a hunger for your Word and a diligence to follow all that you have instructed, so that I may celebrate a "collision free" journey.

In Jesus Name,


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