Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Love, Love, Love

Philippians 1:9-11
Paul prays a prayer that the Philippian church would grow in love...that their love would abound more and more. The word "abound" in the Greek means to "super-abound"! It is excess, overflowing, more to spare; it has the idea that the abounding would encourage more abounding. It is a well that continues flowing and encourages more springs to flow.

Our love walk is an interesting journey. We often compare our reaction to others and thereby our perspective of a love that superabounds can literally be minimized by realitivity. But to Christ love isn't realitive...He modeled it, breathed it, taught it, and died to prove it!

Paul continues in this passage by saying, "so" after the love stuff... so what? "So that you may approve what is excellent". I will confess, I tend to see the things that need fixing. The mistakes, the less than stuff. I can be extremely hard on myself and others because of the focus on always improving. This verse is mind boggling to me... If I truly love, with love that is superabounding, love that overflows, love that stirs others to overflow... I will be able to see, identify, acknowledge and celebrate that which is good!

Paul then continues to say that approving what is excellent will keep us in a walk that is pure, sincere, and His glory!

I love this prayer process that Paul takes us through...we often are praying about our sin and our walk that fails. Paul starts with praying for love, which then gives eyes to see the excellent, which is the impetus to walk a sincere, pure walk with the Lord! Wow! Pray this for yourself each day this week and see if your perspective, your heart, and your temptation isn't completely affected by the Power of God's love.

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