Monday, March 8, 2010

Fallow Ground

Hosea 10:12

The Word encourages us to break up fallow ground...ok, I had to look it up...what is fallow? It is ground that is uncultivated, left without seed for a season, not in use, inactive. At the beginning of the verse for today, it says to "sow with a view to righteousness", "reap in accordance with kindness", "break up fallow ground". Three steps.

When we sow seed in a garden or a field, we have a view or perspective of what we are desiring to accomplish; what we hope to reap. I won't plant flower seed if I want vegetables in the harvest. Do I even have a perspective or plan of what I am hoping to reap with the seeds I sow? Am I just living life planting whatever seed I feel like planting in the moment? What kind of chaotic garden will I end up with ? We are encouraged to plant with a view, perspective, plan, desire for a garden that will reap a harvest of righteousness...specific seed, for a specific produce.

Reap in accordance with kindness...rigteousness can easily turn into judgment, a critical spirit, a spirit of pride can take root... When our seed of righteousness begins to spring forth with an amazin harvest, we must be kind while reaping, patient with those that are still figuring out what kind of seed they desire to plant. We need to kindly bring people to our field and have them taste of the fruit of righteousness to awaken a desire in them to also plant the same field.

We cannot do any of the above without addressing the "fallow ground". It is a heart that has been left unattended. A choice piece of land that has been unseeded for a season. The Word of God is likened to seed in Jesus' parables. Do we have an un-seeded heart? Have I left my mind spiritually unattended? It is time to dig it up, turn the soil of my heart and prepare it for the Word of God to be planted there which is the beginning of leads us to repentance, reveals truth, shows the path to Christ.

The last part of the verse in Hosea, tells us why we are to do these things... "It is time to seek the Lord until He rains righteousness upon us." We as a church have been called to is time to seek the Lord, to turn the fallow ground, to plant the Word, to walk in righteousness and kindness, and to cry out for God's holy rain to water our prepared hearts and minds and to bring a harvest of souls into His kingdom.

Lord God,

I confess that there are seasons that I have a fallow heart and mind. God, how I desire to have a true passion and hunger for your Word. I so desire to have your heart of holiness, I so long to truly desire righteousness in all areas of my life. I pray that you will awaken an awareness in me of the type of seed I am sowing in my life. I seek you God, I cry out to you Lord, I hunger for you, thirst for you, long for you... Rain on us as a people, O God, pour out your Spirit upon us. May your Spirit of revelation and salvation come into our land and bring forth a harvest of souls for your glory! Come Lord Jesus, Come!

In Jesus Name,


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