Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mind the Gap!

When I was in London with my daughter a few years ago, we had our funniest moments in the subways of the city. As we would get ready to board the train, a loud booming "Mind the Gap!" would resound over the intercom. It startled us the first time, and it took us a few times before we realized what this was all about. There is a gap between the subway dock and the train that you can easily step into which would result in injury and danger. It was the constant reminder to all of us...Mind the Gap! Watch out for danger! Beware of where you put your foot!
They have t-shirts that even say, "Mind the Gap!" As funny as this was to Sarah and I, it reminds me of one of the saddest scriptures I have come across.

"I searched for a man among them that would build up the wall and stand in the gap before me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one." Ez. 22:30 God was looking for someone to intercede, to be the go between, to cry out to Him, to plead for mercy, to call out in repentance for the people, to seek His face...and here are the words that grip the heart..."and I found no one."

This passage shows the heart of God. In His righteousness He must respond to evil and sin, and yet His desire is redemption, restoration, and intimacy with His children. Is God looking today for "intercessors" who will cry out to Him on behalf of a lost generation, a confused and rebellious society, a broken and hopeless people? Is God searching for someone, anyone, to stand in the gap? This reveals to me His desire to respond, to move, to show up! He is just waiting to be asked, to be sought out. I praise God for Jesus Christ, the one who truly interceded on our behalf and made a way for us to cross the gap our sin created. Until Christ returns we have been left with the call and the privilege of crying out to God on behalf of those in the land.

Will you "Mind the Gap" with me?

Heavenly Father,
How I love seeing your desire to hear one heart that will cry out to you on behalf of the lost. God, forgive us for unaware hearts. Show us those around us that are lost, hurting, confused and dismayed. Give us your heart to respond and your eyes to see. Empower us with your Holy Spirit to pray with boldness asking for a move of your Spirit in the land. God forgive us as a people, as a nation, for turning from your ways. Forgive us for not loving you, for not obeying you, for not following you, and for ignoring your Word. Lord, we cry out and pray that your Spirit of Salvation and Repentance will flood the land. Please begin with my heart, and bring your revival to our city, our nation, and the world. Lord, we admit our need for you. We admit our hunger for you and our desire to know you. We cry out for your mercy, Lord, for people all around us that so need Jesus. Soften their hearts, O Lord, and extend your love in ways that will bring them to your throne of grace. Use us, O God, to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
In Jesus name,

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