Tuesday, February 9, 2010

In the Presence of Royalty

Yesterday I had the privilege of hearing the Israeli Ambassador speak to a room full of pastors. It was an insightful experience and truly painted a beautiful picture of God's divine hand in the history of the relationship between Israel and the United States. As I ponder prayer, I found myself reflecting on yesterday. The invitation was extended weeks ago. We each had to send over our driver's license number and each have a background screening. We all dressed better than our normal work attire, piled into cars and drove 45 minutes to Mariner's Church, and waited over an hour before we heard the Ambassador speak for 20 minutes, and then we drove back in midweek traffic another hour and a half. We all felt it was worth it, and we were glad we went.

I looked at the preparation and willingness we had to go the extra mile to hear someone speak that I did not get to talk with, or meet, nor will I ever see him again. I realized that I was missing something huge! Everyday, at any moment, from wherever I am, I can speak to the most amazing, most powerful, and most influential person in the universe. Jesus is the King of all Kings, the Lord of all Lords and He is but a whisper away. The scripture says He knew me before I was formed in my mother's womb, that He knows every hair on my head, and yet He is Almighty God! I don't have to be prescreened, dress up, drive over an hour to be with Him for a few minutes. He is here, available, open, desiring intimacy with me! Who am I, that you are mindful of me?

Often we approach prayer as the thing we "have to" do, or "should" spend time in. Are we missing something amazing? We have the PRIVILEGE to be in the audience of a King, THE King every moment of every day. He cares about our hearts and He wants to hear all we desire to share. We have the accessibility to hear His heart as we wait in His presence...The invitation went out a couple of thousand years ago to be in relationship with Him...let's embrace this amazing opportunity!

Dearest King,
How humbling it is that you are so available to those that call on your name. To be so quickly in your presence...in the midst of your holiness, glory, and purity. Lord, how amazing it is to have your ear, that you care, that you love us. Jesus, forgive us for taking your availability for granted. Forgive us for our lack of desire and hunger to be in your presence. Lord, you are valuable, and worth our effort. It is a privilege to sit at your feet, to freely worship you, to humbly call on you, and to rest in your presence. We stand amazed that you answer our cries, that you respond to our heart, and that you move mountains on our behalf! Precious King, thank you for making a way for us to be accepted through your sacrifice that we can boldly come before your throne...how amazing, how wonderful...thank you!
In Jesus Name,

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