Friday, February 5, 2010

Close the Gap Prayers

I was a registered dental assistant for many years, and one of the most rewarding things we were able to do was to close a gap between someone's front teeth! They would come in self-conscious and very aware of the visible gap in the front of their smile. There was hope that something could be done, anything... The excitement that would follow the diagnosis that it was an easy fix, would light up their face and change their demeanor. The dentist had the knowledge, the training, and the materials to fill the gap and change the perspective of all that would look at this person from here on out. The few moments of dental expertise would change the demeanor and personality of the person receiving the treatment. No more half smiles, no more insecurity, no more embarassment!

Jesus was an expert gap closer in prayer. He came to prayer with expertise of the Father from hours spent in prayer and relationship with Him. Jesus came with the materials to fill the gap, the power of the Holy Spirit. In John 17: 3 Jesus prays, "This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you sent." The conversion experience is culminated in a prayer of commitment and surrender, as well as immersion in the waters of Baptism. Eternal life is often something we consider as our heavenbound destination. Here Jesus closes the gap of our understanding...He brings eternity from a far away destination to a daily experience.
This is eternal life...That you KNOW God and Jesus Christ whom He sent.
KNOWing God and Jesus is the impetus for praying the salvation the prayer, baptism, and heaven. The words alone donot save us, it is the heart turning toward acknowledgement of Jesus Christ as Lord, Son of God, God Himself. In that knowledge we touch is in that knowledge. Our prayer of commitment is a tangible moment of acknowledging His "Lordship", and is a covenant with God and our baptism is an act of obedience and surrender... Our daily life immersed in the KNOWledge of Jesus Christ and God the Father is eternal, now. No more insecurity, no more half smiles, no more embarassment...the gap is closed and we are IN Him!

Father God,
We praise you, we worship you, we acknowledge your Headship, your power, your glory, your dominion! You are the only true God, there is none other like you. Jesus, You are the Christ, the Messiah, the risen Lord, God incarnate, holy, blameless, merciful, true. We praise you for the ability to touch eternity each day, as we bask in the knowledge of your existence. As we rest in your love and acceptance, as we embrace your grace and mercy, we are overwhelmed with your presence, your life eternal. How can we thank you, how can we express our gratitude, our love? Oh precious King, we bow before you in humble adoration, crying out to you on behalf of those that do not know you, those that do not experience eternal life...Oh, King...will you reveal yourself? Have mercy and rescue those in darkness. Have mercy and embrace those that are lost. We beg of you...make yourself known that eternal life may immerse the hearts and souls of those that so desparately need you. May we be mindful today of the eternal life experience in KNOWing you!
In Jesus Name,

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