Thursday, March 18, 2010


Mt. 14:23

Jesus left the crowd, we see this on more than one occasion. He left the crowd, the demands, the needs, the have to's, the should's, the "but".... and walked away. Sometimes it was early morning, sometimes in the midst of a busy demanding day, sometimes it was all night because it was the only time to get away.

There was one thing about the "running away" that Jesus did...He ran to someone. His Father.

No matter the pressure, the emergencies, the expectancy of others, the internal struggle to meet the needs...he ran to the Father.

This week I ran. For awhile I have been running away from things...people...demands...etc. Zoning out on tv, video games, busyness...but running none the less. This week I decided to run to the Father. Why do we struggle so much to do something so simple, so basic, and yet so profound for our lives, and that is run to...the Father. Our Father. Our Abba, daddy. Our King and Lord and Powerful Majestic God.

The moment I got into the car to come to a place of refuge by the beach to rest and heal...I put out my hand and asked God to hold my hand, to be with me, that I desired His company. His presence immediately filled the car. I didn't have much to words can express what is on my heart and mind right now, but it didn't matter...He was there.

After a few moments of drinking Him in, thanking Him for being so tender, so close, all of a sudden I had this image of a child sitting on his dad's lap wanting to drive the car. It was as though God said, let me drive. And I was "spiritually" sitting in His lap and He was driving.

No worries, my eyes were still open and hands still on the wheel! But it was tangible to me.

Jesus went away from the multitudes, to the mountain top, by himself to ...pray.

If Jesus felt the need to commune with the Father, how much more do we need to. And I don't think he went begrugingly out of obligation, I think He couldn't wait...and neither can I!

Dear Father,

How we take your presence and grace so for granted. It is such a privilege to commune with you, to hang out with you, to be near you...Lord, I so want to pray as Jesus did, would you teach me? Would you guide me to commune with you as Jesus did? I don't want to miss anything when it comes to you! I love you so...

In Jesus name,


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